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Thursday, April 12, 2012

Game of the week

This weeks game of the week goes to final fantasy 13 and 13 -2. The first one was really good. The story line in tails more than one main character which shakes the game up because there are different battle styles depending on which character you are. I will admit that fighting was not what i expected it to be and it takes time to battle but that's what makes it a game i mean they if it were easy then it wouldn't be fun right. The scenery is excellent from vast towns and cities to theme parks. I would like to props to the creators because not only are the locations great but there is almost 100 different types of monsters you can face depending on where you are in the game. As for final fantasy 13-2 which leaves off where the 1st one finished which is a first for final fantasy it too has a fantastic story line. In this game you start off watching an exciting video that is about what happened between the two games and then you play as Sarah and you are saved by the leading male role (NOLE) who you can also play as later in the game. The two characters go on a journey to find sara. With out giving away to much you run in to characters from the 1st game as well as running in to new characters. Only down side is that if you didnt like the battle style from the 1st one you have to deal with it. These games are rewarded with a 8 and a half     

If i get more views ill gave a full coverage report on every game of the week

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